Interactive Art

Outbreak In Flux

During my education at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, I studied under Digital Studio Practice and Arts + Technology department head, Nathaniel Stern. My courses were cross-disciplinary with my focus on Film, Animation, and Computer Science. I studied ActionScript, Javascript, and visual programming languages like Max/MSP/Jitter.

For my senior thesis, I created a interactive art installation. The installation was curated for a 30-day exhibit on campus. Outbreak in Flux is a site-specific, three-dimensional interactive installation designed to transform the audience’s perception within the space, ultimately influencing the responsive environment. The participant’s movement creates a solitary wave comprised of a series of self-reinforcing elliptical particles.

The installation was written in openFrameworks. A dedicated computer ran batch scripts each morning to wake and run the program, projected the art onto a wall.



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Interactive Art


“Balls” was another interactive art installation during my time in Milwaukee. The installation at a number of galleries around the city, including Gallery Night and MAM After Dark at the Milwaukee Art Museum. 

“Balls”, where spheres of light bounce off of objects in a given environment, was written in ActionScript 2.0 and used projection mapping on surfaces to change appearance. 

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