Online Video Ads reached out to me to collaborate on creating eleven six-second, unskippable YouTube video ads. Split in two categories, one creative set would focus on creatures giving ‘Unexpected Testimonials’ to the camera. The other would show a user they can have ‘Total Control’ over their home search while leveraging stock footage and sound FX. The client provided creative direction and a script. I was tasked with sourcing stock video/photo/sound as well as filming, editing, mix, and motion graphics. This project was a complete blast and the client was great to work with. Check out a case study video of the project below.

All six creative spots for the ‘Unexpected Testimonials’ category. 

The UI was created in Photoshop and animated into a PNG sequence. The phone model was created in Cinema 4D (Redshift) and comped into the end-card using After Effects.

The alien hand was rigged and textured in Cinema 4D (Redshift) which was then comped into the final end-card using After Effects. 

Below is a case study breaking down how individual elements were created from filming to post-production.

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Watch all five creative video ads for the ‘Total Control’ category below.


The next case study dives into the process of creating over 200 global motion assets for a large tech company.

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