
Jesse Egan

Motion Designer + CG Artist

I’m Jesse Egan! Freelance Motion Designer and Creative Director based out of Milwaukee. I have 15 years experience working with premium brands in both professional agency and corporate environments. My expertise lies within both 2D and 3D animated graphics for digital displays, teaser videos, social ads, and graphics for large-scale executive presentations. I’ve delved into the use of A.I. tools like Stable Diffusion – AnimateDiff, LoRA, ControlNet, and Deforum. Brands I’ve worked with include Google, the NBA, Microsoft, T-Mobile, Samsung, and the NFL.

I like weird comedy, plants, and YouTube. Did I mention I like to draw? Check out my latest case study where I dive into my creative process behind a project.

My 2024 showreel has dropped! Watch my motion reel. Learn more about me or view some of my motion projects.

Useless Robots

For seven weeks during 2022 I set out to create a collection of seven futile machines in Cinema 4D. While creating each scene, my goal was to takeaway a new skill or method in 3D. The title for each piece is a reflection of my creative process; daydream, brainstorm, doodle, conduct, manage, refine, and dance. I called the collection, the Mono-Matics.

Mono-Matics were custom modeled and animated in Cinema 4D using Redshift. Compositing was finished in After Effects. Sound design was recorded on a Tascam DR-05X and mixed in Premiere.

Check out how I collaborated with clients to create motion graphics and immersive design experiences for international keynote conferences, outdoor digital displays in Las Vegas, and retail stores around the country.

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